Wednesday, March 5, 2025

PEP Master Game Play event

5 Octobre 2024, Sensorica, Breathing Games, Ludociels and Dr. Sze Man TSE from Saine Justine Hospital in Montreal organized a public event to gather feedback on the use of the PEP Master instrument from patients and from medical professionals. 


PEP Master, an open initiative focused on designing and disseminating affordable DIY medical devices for cystic fibrosis therapy. This rare genetic disorder, which affects only approximately 162,000 individuals worldwide, presents significant challenges due to the lack of private-sector investment in rare conditions. PEP Master provides an affordable mechanical therapy based on Positive Expiratory Pressure (PEP) physiotherapy, offering a lifeline to children living with this chronic condition. The physiotherapy uses the PEP Master Instrument, which consists of a computer game and a pressure sensor device. 

The project originated from Breathing Games, an open network of serious game designers, focused on respiratory problems. The development of the hardware component builds on Sensorica’s 15 years of experience in open-source hardware production. Sensorica’s infrastructure supports decentralized production networks by providing tools for transparent contribution tracking, accounting, and equitable distribution of rewards. This foundation enables PEP Master to operate as an ecosystem where stakeholders can contribute and benefit equitably from shared innovation. Sensorica’s proven methodologies have facilitated partnerships with academic institutions, nonprofits, and industry leaders, demonstrating the effectiveness of open, peer-driven production systems.
A clinical study using the PEP Master instrument is conducted by Dr. Olivia, under the supervision of Dr. Zse Man TSE. 
During the event, new computer games created by Yannick were demonstrated and tested by patients. Thomas from Ludociels was in charge of collecting feedback on the user experience.
Tibi from Sensorica took the opportunity to collect feedback on new hardware features.
Therapy professionals provided feedback on the merits of the PEP Master game-based therapy for incentivizing proper respiratory exercise parameters.

 A new public event is scheduled before the summer of 2025.

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